Monday, August 29, 2016

Sustainer Member Spotlight: Virginia Van Cleave

Photo: Library of Congress

Sustainer Member Name: Virginia Van Cleave

What year did you join the League?
Virginia joined the Junior League in the mid-1980s.

What was your favorite placement you held during your League career?
Her favorite placements were rocking babies at University Hospital and working the Rummage Sale.

What have you learned from the League that you have applied within your post-League endeavors?
Junior League Assertiveness Training and TEAM (Together Everyone Accomplishes More)
The groundwork and experience that starts in the League can be set in motion when working with other organizations. Virginia says, “The League makes you a better citizen and a better contributor to the community.”

How did becoming a member of the Junior League of San Antonio impact your life?
Virginia was inducted to the San Antonio Women’s Hall of Fame.

Other Volunteer efforts include:
- Member, in various capacities, of Fiesta San Antonio Commission since 1989
- Went to Thailand in 2013 to speak on how attendance could be increased at the historical monument in BangRachan, which is considered similar to the Alamo.

- Various offices in the Alamo Mission Chapter 
- Daughters of the Republic of Texas
- San Antonio Conservation Society
- Southwest School of Art
- State Association of Texas Pioneers
President General, PMO Alamo Inc. 
- Commissioner initiated the first Alamo Fiesta Medal
- Charter Member of the Assistance League where she opened the Thrift House which earned $47,000 this year alone. The money goes to support children in the community.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Community Partner Spotlight: Boys & Girls Club of San Antonio

Organization Name: Boys & Girls Club of San Antonio

When was your organization founded / how long have you served in the San Antonio Community: The Boys & Girls Club of America was founded in 1860 in Hartford, Connecticut. The Boys & Girls Club of San Antonio was founded in 1939; the Calderon branch in 1975.

What is your Mission Statement: To inspire youth, especially those that need us the most, to achieve their full potential in a safe, positive and engaging environment that promotes education, healthy lifestyles and character development.

How does your organization impact our San Antonio Community: Our organization greatly impacts the community as we work with at risk youth, located in communities that need our support the most, to help children and young adults reach their full potential. We offer members a safe, supportive and engaging environment to learn, play and grow as individuals, which is particularly important for at-risk youth who may not otherwise have a steady support system outside of school. The San Antonio chapter serves more than 9,000 kids each year; the Calderon branch alone serves 1,700 each year. Our team is committed to giving all youth the opportunity to succeed in life, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status, and we pride ourselves in fostering positive setting and relationships to make their dreams a reality.

What is the vision of your organization for the future of our Community:
Our vision is to empower youth today to start a better tomorrow.

How does the Junior League of San Antonio help you fulfill your Mission:

The Junior League of San Antonio is a HUGE help in fulfilling our mission to inspire youth in a safe, positive and engaging environment. JLSA enhances the quality of our program offerings to members, and the kids very much look forward to spending time learning about new exercises, healthy snacks and healthy lifestyle choices. JLSA volunteers also motivate our staff members, motivating them to enhance program offerings and serving as mentors to our young members. JLSA’s efforts also serve as a recruitment tool for our clubs, as parents often ask about programs regarding healthy eating and living for their children; the quality programs Junior League teaches allows us to meet the growing requests of parents interested in having their children learn more about eating well and exercising regularly.