Monday, December 29, 2014

You Say You Need a Resolution

By Sarah Bragg, Junior League of San Antonio Admissions Chair

Okay, so about this time a few years ago,  Christmas was over and I’d eaten my entire body weight in sugar cookies. What to do before the sugar wore off? Make an ambitious list of New Year’s resolutions of course!  

  1. I wanted to get fit
  2. In order to get fit I needed to eat healthier (remember all those cookies I just confessed to eating?)
  3. Learning something new is always good
  4. So is getting organized
  5. I thought about how I could give back to the community
  6. In order to know my community better I needed to explore San Antonio more
Wow, that’s 6 resolutions that I’d come up with; it sounded a little bit daunting. I questioned how I was going to do all these things over the next year. There’s a myriad of organizations to volunteer for in San Antonio and so many new and up and coming areas to explore. 

I asked a couple of my friends if they had any suggestions. 

One very smart friend suggested that I check out the Junior League of San Antonio. After reading about the organization online at I decided to fill out an application- I had nothing to lose! 

I read all about JLSA’s Resolve for a Better SA 5K and the Let’s Go San Antonio Program; it looked like I could get two of my resolutions checked off my list right away especially because the 5k is at the end of January… I found my running shoes fast! There's still time to register for the race in 2015! 

2014 JLSA Resolve for a Better SA 5K

Let’s Go San Antonio seemed like a really great way to give back to the city and to pick up some healthy eating habits too. I’m slowly I can’t eat mac n’ cheese forever. (The key is moderation.) And I loved the fact that Let’s Go San Antonio is a city wide initiative to help children develop healthier eating habits. 

I also was ready to get organized and when I learned more about the Junior League's partnership with Goodwill for donating I thought it was awesome that the donations basically counted double: support Goodwill's mission of changing lives through the power of work and earn gift cards for JLSA to give to our community partners! 

One resolution kept sticking out in my mind-volunteering. I wanted to be a part of an organization that had rich history in my city, part of an organization that could help me development myself as a better leader, an organization that would guide me. The Junior League of San Antonio seemed like a great fit! I knew a couple women in the organization already and both spoke very highly about how the Junior League helped them to grow as women and as leaders, and honestly I had been looking for an organization just like this since I graduated college. I truly felt like JLSA could really help me accomplish my New Year’s Resolutions.

The single biggest way I could accomplish all of my resolutions was to join JLSA. So I did and you can too! If you’re interested in joining the Junior League of San Antonio you can fill out an application online at There will also be an information session on Tuesday, January 13th at 5:30 pm at the Bright Shawl prior to the January General Membership Meeting.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sunshine Singers Spreading Cheer!

By Tiffany Stevens, Sunshine Singer Volunteer
Edited from original post

This year I’ve really enjoyed being a part of a group of women through the Junior League called the Sunshine Singers. We meet once or twice a week and gather together to spread smiles and warm hearts to the seniors of our community. We enjoy seeing their faces light up when we start singing to their favorite music that seems to bring back fond memories for them. Here are some photos from our visits to these special elderly friends.

This time of year we sing a lot of Christmas carols in honor of the holiday season and we pass out Santa hats and jingle bells as they sing along. After the singing portion has commenced, we visit with them as they tell us stories, laugh, hug and hold hands.

I’ve always had a special place in my heart for the elderly and since my grandparents have passed I look forward to these Monday evenings! It is so fulfilling knowing that you have just brought a bright spot to those in the senior community who may only have your visit to make their day.

I’m thankful and proud to be a part of this special group! The Sunshine Singers, spreading cheer among the elderly!

If you or someone you know would like to join the the Junior League of San Antonio please find more information on Make the holidays memorable by doing something special for someone. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Christmas in Toyland

By Whitney Ormand, Holiday Olé Market 2014 Chair

Trees and lights at HEB, red cups at Starbucks, peppermint bark at Williams-Sonoma… It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  In fact, it looked a lot like Christmas, Christmas in Toyland, that is, at the Expo Hall last month.


We had 115 fabulous merchants from all over the country, and I know I got a lot of Christmas shopping done.  I may or may not have bought a few things for myself, too, but isn’t that part of the fun?  I think I took four loads of shopping bags to the car! 

And the special events the party team put on were absolutely amazing!  We kicked off the weekend with Sneak Peek featuring a silent auction, live music, fabulous food…and of course, shopping!  And lots of husbands enjoyed the big screen and whiskey in the Reindeer Stable that night.  I know mine did!  

Sneak Peek Silent Auction

Friday morning, we enjoyed a brunch event complete with Kendra Scott door prizes and a truly wonderful speech about friendship, motherhood and real life by Melanie Shankle.  If you haven’t read her best seller, Sparkly Green Earrings, I suggest you run to Barnes & Noble and pick it up!  Consider it your Christmas gift to yourself – enjoy!  

Author Melanie Shankle at Ready, Set, Shop!

Friday night capped off with Girls’ Night Out where ladies ate, drank and shopped ‘til they dropped!  

No one went home empty handed!

Saturday morning was my favorite event, and I don’t even have a little one…not yet anyway!  He’s scheduled to make his debut next month.  

My little one is due any day now!

Pajamas & Pancakes was such a fun morning!  Precious kiddos in their pajamas, delicious pancakes, painting, letters to Santa, and even a performance by the Sugar Plum Fairy!

The Sugar Plum Fairy enchanting everyone
And of course everyone wanted their picture with her

Want to know the best part of the weekend though?  ALL the funds raised by this event go right back into our community!  Our mission is to promote voluntarism, develop the potential of women and improve the community, and each and every dollar raised at Holiday Olé Market does just that.  We’re working on final numbers, but we’ll absolutely share those as soon as they come in!

The history of  the Junior League of San Antonio

All of our merchants, donors, sponsors, shoppers and volunteers make this event possible every year, and for that, we are eternally grateful!   We appreciate the support of our major sponsors: Children’s Hospital of San Antonio, Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry, Capital Group Companies, Baptist Breast Center, News 4 WOAI, Bjorn’s, South Texas Money Management, Broadway Bank, Brio Tuscan Grille, Magnolia Pancake Haus, Corner Bakery, and especially our presenting sponsor, Valero, for their continued support!

Thank you to our sponsors!

And I would be remiss if I didn’t take a minute to thank the fabulous women on the Holiday Olé Market committee for their time, hard work and dedication.  Without them, this event would not be possible!  It is truly an honor to work with such an amazingly talented and committed group of ladies, and I continue to be amazed by the strength and character of our Junior League of San Antonio volunteers.

2014 Holiday Olé Committee

On behalf of the JuniorLeague of San Antonio, thank you for your support of this event!  And you better make plans now to join us in 2015!  My assistant chair has great things planned for next year’s show.  Trust me, you won’t want to miss it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

2014 Food Bank SNAP Challenge

By Lesley Vernor, 2014-2015 Let's Go San Antonio Chair

Are you up for the San Antonio Food Bank SNAP Challenge?

There are 3,812,561 people qualified for SNAP in Texas and 262,887 SNAP recipients in Bexar County.

The challenge is trying to provide our families with healthy options for $4.50 a day per person in the household.  The Let’s Go San Antonio team is working with families/children who are receiving services from the Food Bank or SNAP or both (52% receive both).  

The real crux of the challenge is how to teach and implement healthy nutrition choices when a person has a limited income.  

By deciding to participate in the SNAP Challenge, Junior League of San Antonio members, friends and families will have a better understanding of the issue that Let's Go San Antonio is trying to tackle. How can a person, or a family, really eat healthier when on a budget. 

Knowing how to do this is vital information that is helpful for our Let’s Go Team to come up with ways to approach the issue and it will be helpful to understand the problems that Challenge participants face while on this limited food budget.

Experience firsthand what  many children in our community are facing on a daily basis. This is the population Let's Go San Antonio is working with in teaching different ways to budget to choose healthier options. 

While participating in the challenge take pictures of meals prepared, shopping items found at area grocer’s that are cheaper and healthier options and share! It will be great for participants to learn from one another where cheaper and healthier options exist in San Antonio!

Did you give it your best effort and it ended up being an epic fail? Share why it didn't work for you.  It validates how difficult it can be to realize what $1.50 per meal really means and why Let's Go San Antonio is so important.

Some have asked "Why $4.50 a day per person?"
The Food Bank told us that $1.50 is a national average for an individual benefit.  The local per meal average is actually lower but we are using our national network’s number at $1.50.  

Share with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and use #JLSAgoesorange, #sagoesorange, #jlsa #safoodbank #snapchallenge. 

Don't use social media? Email us your thoughts on the challenge and photos of any attempts to participate.

Make a pledge to commit the savings back to healthy activities for your family or give back to the Junior League of San Antonio Loyalty Fund or San Antonio Food Bank.

Are you up for the challenge? Awesome, we look forward to hearing from you! 

Still wondering how you could make this work? Check out some online resources and then get back to us:

Monday, August 25, 2014

2014 Women's Equality Day

By Kristen Henry, 2014-2014 JLSA President

Tomorrow marks Women’s Equality Day – a day set aside to celebrate the passage of the 19th amendment to the constitution – the amendment that would immensely change women’s roles in the United States. But while gaining the vote, which took years of diligence and planning, was surely a gigantic step toward equality, there were still years of struggle. And years of work remain.

Even though women can vote (and have voted at higher rates than men in every presidential election since 1980!), we still only make up approximately twenty percent of both houses of the United States Congress.  More and more of us succeed academically, yet on average, we still make less than our male counterparts. We might be called bossy while he is called boss. 

Many of us still hesitate to park in a dark parking garage or run by ourselves near twilight while a male neighbor thinks nothing of it. Some women will face judgment of whether or not they are a legitimate victim of assault based on the clothes they were wearing when it happened or if they had been drinking. They call him a ladies' man and they call her…   

We are surrounded by double-standards, many of which are so entrenched in our culture that we do not even notice them.  Some may think this an oversimplification of a complex issue, but each of the above examples serves to illustrate that we have yet to achieve true equality – that despite an incredible amount of progress, women must continue to strive for equality in a country whose doctrine claims us all equal.

This work is why organizations such as the Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. are still so important and relevant. It is why I am so proud to serve JLSA. There are three parts to our mission, but the one that stands out as unique to us is “developing the potential of women.” We are uniquely positioned to assist women, both our members and those in the community we serve, to reach new levels of success and empowerment.

I owe my own development as a leader to JLSA, which is why my passion grows daily for the potential of what this organization can achieve. My participation in JLSA means I am surrounded by amazing women who not only learn to empower themselves, but empower those they serve as well as those they serve with.

But this work we do is not only beneficial for women. It is not only beneficial for children for that matter. It is beneficial to everyone in the community. This is because when everyone is empowered to be successful, takes care of their families, and reaches their potential, the entire community wins. Instead of being men and women, we become humanity – a group of people working together on equal footing to make our communities safe, productive, and enjoyable.

But until that day comes, Women’s Equality Day should not just be a day of celebration. This day is a reminder of how far we have come and how far we have yet to go. Our awareness of equality issues is heightened and we are inspired to face them head on. We are encouraged that anything is possible but we have to push to achieve it. So each year, on August 26th, mark Women’s Equality Day, but work each and every day of the year to fulfill the ultimate goal of true equality.

Monday, August 11, 2014

JLSA Stuffs the Bus for 2014

By Sara Briseño Gerrish, 2014-2015 New Member

One of the things I have grown to love since joining the Junior League of San Antonio, is the opportunity to learn more about our city’s wonderful non-profits and the chance to roll up my sleeves to lend a helping hand. Over the weekend, I had the chance to work with Communities in Schools of San Antonio’s (CIS-SA) Stuff the Bus event. This event was held at 24 H-E-B’s across the city in conjunction with the city’s tax-free weekend. Our mission was to help raise awareness and collect/organize the donations. All the donations collected are to be distributed to school age children in San Antonio.

Some of our group passed out flyers with suggested supply needs as customers walked into H-E-B, and others organized pre-bundled bags of school supplies.The bags included popular school supply items such as: crayons, folders, and spiral notebooks. Customers picked up these bags and bought them with their groceries. Each bag was priced less than $3!

I was really blown away by our city’s generosity. People would selflessly drop off bags of supplies and empty out their purses and wallets for a donation; even school-age children emptied their pockets so that others would be able to go to school with their needed supplies. This was a great opportunity to give back to our community! Thank you Junior League and Communities in Schools of San Antonio!  

Saturday, July 12, 2014

2014-2015 JLSA Summer Reading Camp

July 13, 2014, by Amanda Shippey

Service to the community does not stop over the summer for the Junior League of San Antonio. In fact, this is the season where one of our life changing projects, Reading Camp, is put on. Reading Camp is an event hosted by the Junior League of San Antonio. This two-week event is dedicated to improving the academic skills of students in San Antonio. "Giggles fill the air as wide-eyed children stare at the reader with a sense of wonder. Students find a new found joy in reading and writing.  They blossom with curiosity!” Elizabeth Kreager, Reading Camp Volunteer explains the atmosphere for this remarkable event.

Holding this camp is crucial to developing the skills of students over the summer. “Studies show that children experience a decline in their reading level over the summer months.  The Junior League tries to help bridge that gap by providing books to these children." Reading Camp chair, Samantha Beyer tells us. Leading us to believe that implementation of this camp is crucial to improving the lives of San Antonio area children.

Students that attended camp this year were immersed in a curriculum full of reading, science, arts and crafts. The two week course focused on a central theme, habitats. When the camp concluded, students were able to take home a bag full of goodies, a t-shirt, and 9 books to help them continue building their literacy skills.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Board of Directors Food Bank Project

July 2, 2014, by Hannah Steward
On Saturday, June 28th, members of JLSA worked with the Food Bank Mobile Pantry, and The Fountain Christian Church, to sort and distribute food baskets to over 200 needy families.  The JLSA Board of Directors, "Let's Go San Antonio" Leadership Team, and JLSA Staff sent home baskets filled with fresh meat and vegetables, in addition to non-perishable goods, with the grateful families.  JLSA Members enjoyed the opportunity to give back to the community and work alongside the church congregation.  It was a terrific start to the 2014-2015 League year and put our Mission to action.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Junior League Says ‘Happy 90th Birthday’ to Nine Leagues

Creating lasting community impact through volunteer-driven solutions to society’s problems never gets old

New York – June 24, 2014 – The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc., one of the largest, most effective women’s volunteer organizations in the world, recently noted that nine Junior Leagues were formally recognized on their 90th anniversaries at AJLI’s 92nd Annual Conference held in St. Louis, MO.

AJLI President Toni Freeman said, “What began as a single League founded by Mary Harriman in 1901 had gained such momentum that little more than a decade later, nine new Leagues were formed in a single year! The communities that these Junior Leagues serve have been positively impacted by the diverse and dedicated volunteers who continue to carry out the Mission of that first Junior League, a Mission that today lives on in the work done by more than 155,000 members in 293 independent Leagues in four countries.”
The Junior League of San Antonio has more than 1,200 members and supports over 60 non-profit community partners and agencies annually by offering volunteers and necessary funding. With yearly financial and volunteer resources valued at more than $500,000, the League and its members truly make a difference in their community. “San Antonio Works” projects provide a volunteer force of over 125 women that assist with done-in-a-day projects for community partners like the Children's Shelter, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Ronald McDonald House and the San Antonio Food Bank. The Junior League of San Antonio also works with children at St. Peter's/St. Joseph's Children's Home, The Guadalupe Cultural Center, the SAMM Shelter, Roy Maas' Youth Alternatives and the San Antonio Botanical Center. Other current community projects include Junior Leagues' Kids in the Kitchen, Clarity Child Guidance Center, Fairweather Family Lodge, and Green Spaces Alliance.

For 90 years, the Junior League of Worcester has improved and enriched the quality of life for women and children in the Worcester area. Through a shared mission, League members work to make a difference through individual and collaborative efforts. In partnering with more than 125 area organizations, JLW and its members have touched the lives of thousands of individuals throughout its history. The earliest programs of the League included the Worcester Society for District Nursing, the Association for the Blind, and Friendly House settlement. The League’s “Economy Shop” was opened in 1931.  Throughout the years JLW has worked on countless programs and many focus areas, including bringing arts to children and fighting literacy and child abuse. Food 4 Thought is the current signature project of JLW, offering self-sufficiency-focused workshops to middle school girls on topics such as body image/health, self-defense, study and social skills, financial literacy, and crisis management. In addition to grants to community projects, JLW has, since 1987, awarded scholarships each year.

The Junior League of Wichita is an organization of more than 800 women. Since its founding, JLW has contributed more than $5.8 million in the form of projects and training programs and in volunteer hours valued at more than $44 million. Past projects have included bringing both Ronald McDonald House and Race for the Cure to Wichita as well as literacy programs, school drop-out prevention programs, and the Pride of the Plains Exhibit at the Sedgwick County Zoo. Child abuse is the current focus of JLW and program components include an age-appropriate puppet show to teach children how to report abuse, a mentoring program for at-risk teens, development of a website that will promote children’s safety, and service to the community and to partner agencies that focus on safeguarding children from abuse. 

Over the past 90 years the Junior League of Spokane has been a major force in making Spokane a better place to live. Past JLS projects include Alcohol Education and Awareness, support of the Armed Forces, restoration of the Campbell House, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), Child Abuse Prevention, Learning Disabilities Advocacy Task Force, Pregnant-Parenting Teen Mentoring Project, Substance Abuse Prevention, Well Baby Clinic, and YWCA Homeless Daycare. Current programs include an annual Foster Santa Breakfast, the Farm Chicks antique show, and Kids in the Kitchen. JLS also contributes countless volunteer hours each year through Impact Spokane, the committee dedicated to making “done-in-a-day” immediate improvement to the community. In addition, JLS is a member of the Junior Leagues of Washington State, a collaborative group which advocates for statewide League programs, issues, and projects.

With a membership of over 2,200 Active and Sustaining members as well as 200 Provisional members, the Junior League of New Orleans is the 12th largest League in the world. During the past four years, JLNO has invested more than $1 million and approximately 200,000 volunteer hours for the benefit of the greater New Orleans community. Some of JLNO's best-known projects, many of which have grown into independent entities, include The Parenting Center at Children's Hospital, the Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans, and Parkway Partners. The League has also created or supported programs at Audubon Zoo, the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Louisiana Children's Museum, Charity Hospital, the Children's Art Council, and Kingsley House. Current community projects include Bayou District, Judgment Call, Junior Leagues' Kids in the Kitchen, Lafayette School Support, Lemonade Day University, Safe Sitter, and Senior League. In addition, JLNO aids local nonprofit organizations through the Community Assistance Fund, a grant program through which money is awarded to qualifying participants during two cycles each year.

Each year, the 800 members of the Junior League of Minneapolis provide their community more than 35,000 uncompensated volunteer hours, valued at more than $800,000. The League’s long history is rich with diverse and far-reaching community work, including four decades of support for the Children’s Protective Society (now Family and Children’s Service); the founding of the Curative Workshop to assist crippled children; and collaboration with community partners on the creating of The Children’s Theater, Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery, and Free Arts for Abused Children of Minnesota. In 2011, JLM became an issue-based League, choosing to focus on closing the Achievement Gap in Minneapolis with projects, community services, and partnerships focused on supporting parents, increasing access to quality educational programming and reducing other barriers to learning for those families most affected in the community.

The Junior League of Lexington is an organization of 675 members dedicated to improving life in “the Bluegrass.” Over the course of its long history, JLL has funded and worked on numerous community projects, including Opportunity Workshop of Lexington, the Living Arts and Science Center, Chrysalis House, the revitalization of downtown Lexington, the Rape Crisis Center, the Alzheimer’s Association, Lexington Children’s Museum, Hospice of the Bluegrass, Central Kentucky Riding for the Handicapped, and the Hope Center for Women Recovery Program. One of the Junior League of Lexington’s greatest accomplishments is the Lexington Junior League Horse Show, which began in 1937 and served as the League's only fundraiser until 2007. The show has generated over $3 million for the benefit of the Lexington community and has become a prestigious event in the Saddlebred industry. Part of the Saddlebred Triple Crown, the show runs for a week every year in mid-July, attracting exhibitors from the United States and Canada.

The long history of the Junior League of Grand Rapids began with a focus on programs to address the well-being of babies and mothers in birth, including the introduction of a “part-pay maternity plan,” which allowed mothers to enter a maternity hospital on a partial-pay basis, years ahead of any public funding in this area. In true Junior League style, members continued through the years to research community needs, identify problems, and develop effective and responsive projects to address those problems. Past projects of JLGR, alone or in collaboration with community partners, have included Cerebral Palsy Nursery School, Kent County Home, The Children’s Symphony, Grand Rapids Art Museum, Very Special Arts program, Adolescent Pregnancy Child Watch, Court Appointed Special Advocate Program (CASA), Kent County Healthy State, Explore with Reading, and Gilda’s Club. JLGR’s current focus is on support of the YWCA’s Domestic Abuse Shelter, and the League’s signature project, Junior League Wellness Adventure Yard (JL WAY), which introduces Grand Rapids neighborhoods to a healthy lifestyle concept through the implementation of professionally-developed local play environments that give children the opportunity to practice goal setting, build confidence, and explore concepts of cooperation and teamwork.

Throughout its 90-year history, the Junior League of Evanston-North Shore has contributed over $1.6 million to the community through projects and programs. JLE-NS has traditionally identified a need, developed a program, and trained community leaders to continue the program as a community service. The following are projects that were initiated by the League: infant wellness clinics, a dental dispensary, the Illinois Children’s Home and Aid Society, the Institute for Language Disorders, Dawes House and Museum, Arts-in-the-Schools, Evanston In-School Music, Children’s Agency Monitoring Program, and Young Parent Mentoring Project. In addition, the League has operated Thrift House for over 70 years. The current programs of JLE-NS include Fitting Futures, to increase the potential for low-income women to achieve economic self-sufficiency; support for Mary Lou’s Place, a domestic violence shelter; Junior Leagues' Kids in the Kitchen; and scholarships for attendees of local schools.

About The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc.
Founded in 1901 by New Yorker and social activism pioneer, Mary Harriman, the Junior Leagues are charitable nonprofit organizations of women empowered as leaders creating demonstrable community impact.

Today, The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. is comprised of more than 155,000 women in 293 Junior Leagues throughout Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States. Together, they constitute one of the largest, most effective volunteer organizations in the world. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Fete Du Cuvée is Quickly Approaching!

Love wine? Well, you are in for a treat! JLSA Fete Du Cuvée Wine Auction will be Saturday, March 1. This is a black tie event that we cannot wait for. The evening will start with a wine reception, silent auction, and hors d'oeuvres. I have to hand it to the Fete Du Cuvée organizers; they sure know how to choose food for an event. I attended a pre Fete Du Cuvée event in December called Dinner Under the Stars. It was held inside the grounds of the Alamo, downtown.  

That night we ate like kings. 

We enjoyed many different types of wild game dishes from various chefs. 

The entertainment after the dinner was fantastic. We danced under the stars to glorious sounds from Theron and the Old Quarters. 
Wow, what a night.

The featured chefs for the wine auction are: Chef John Herdman from Sustenio,
Holley Dominguez from 18 Oaks-J.W. Marriot, Ernie Estrada from Omni,
Justin Johnson from Max’s Wine Dive,
John Russ from Lüke, and 
Jeff White from Boiler House. If that doesn’t make your mouth water, I do not know what would! Don’t forget about the MAIN EVENT for the night, the live wine auction. Master auctioneer Anthony Mihalski will be there to take your bids on your favorite bottles of wine. In case you were wondering, here is a list of the events for the night:

Ok, now are you ready to buy tickets? Well, CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS! You can also follow that link if you have any further questions.  We cannot wait to see you there! 

So why does Junior League of San Antonio throw all of these wonderful fundraisers? To put money and volunteers, straight into the San Antonio community. Our league has been giving to the San Antonio community for decades. 9 decades to be exact. Through this blog you have learned about JLSA opening schools, giving to our veterans, and even opening up hospitals. Did you know in the 1940’s The Junior League of San Antonio fought to get the polio vaccine here to San Antonio for our cities children? It is hard to imagine how scary life was back then. I found this video that can help you to remember how scared people were for their children to go out and play. It shows the city spreading DDT to try and kill pests that carried the disease. 
This video was not produced or affiliated with Junior League of San Antonio. Its purpose is to educate the reader about the hardships during the Polio Epidemic. Please click here for more information about the author of this video. 

The line, 38 seconds in, that read “And in the parks and public places, children are forbidden to gather” is memorizing to me. JLSA did not help spread DDT around they city, but we were largest impact in bringing the Polio vaccine to San Antonio. 
Our organization of women worked together with the funds we had available, through fundraising, to try and bring relief to our community. 

So join us at Fete Du Cuvée. A special thank you goes out to our Fete Du Cuvée sponsors: 

                                                      Presenting Sponsor: 
                                                         Stemware Sponsor:
                                                               Lee Michaels

                                                            Decor Sponsors:

                                                          Flair Floral & Illusions
                                                              Other Sponsors
                                                               Wave Healthcare
                                                         San Antonio Eye Center

                                                             Americus Diamond

                                                        Cosmo Technology Rentals

                                                            Special Thanks to

                                                                  Zella Press

                                                               Cadence Bank

                                                                   20 Nine

                                                             Botanika Floral