Sunday, August 18, 2013

Children of the '30's to Artists of Today

As I have rummaged through historical documents, I am realizing that  the Junior League of San Antonio Women were amazing philanthropists, even as far back as the 1930’s.   The 1930’s proved to be a decade of  improving children's health. Catching word that a Free Children’s Health Care clinic started in San Antonio, the women immediately started funding the organization, as well as providing volunteers. As the decade progressed, the women began to implement new programs at the free health care clinic. The programs included a dental clinic, an eye clinic, a heart and lung clinic, and Well Baby Day program. Don’t think for a minute that these ladies started the programs and did not provide hands on help

These women got down and dirty, volunteering their time at the clinic as well. The women fell in love with this program so much, they hand built a playground at the facility for children to enjoy. The clinic was sadly closed after 18 years of providing children with love and medicine.

Sad faces were the last thing on display at the Bright Shawl a few weeks ago. Laughter, drinks clinking, and friends  chatting could be heard at the Bright Shawl galley for the “Last Friday Cocktail Art Party”. The walls of the Bright Shawl were full of amazing works of art by artist James Joffe.

As I glance at one picture, my mind sends me to a beautiful hillside side, rich in bluebonnets and Indian paint brushes. The hills are rolling as the sun beats down on the river that winds between the two hills. As I move to the next photo, goosebumps form on my forearms. The mixture of whites and blues in the picture, remind me of a snowy day in New Mexico. The picture tells my mind to grab a coat since the air outside is cold. I can’t understand why my mind escaped to beautiful landscapes when I look at the abstract pictures painted by this talented artist. I decide to ask him where he gets his inspiration. He tells me ‘landscapes, I may not be able to paint the flower but I can paint the feeling I get.’  Artists are featured monthly in the Bright Shawl Art Gallery.  Come by and check out these incredible works of art.